jeudi 30 septembre 2010


on being employed.

lundi 27 septembre 2010

pure and subtle

perfect, found on designboom of course

hang your bike

To store your bike, that you cherish so much, can't leave out in the rain, bring into your room at night... the bike shelf gets it out of the way, makes it look like it belongs inside.

jeudi 23 septembre 2010

my friend laure

see, i knew laure took photos, i mean, she's the one that kodaks our parties, brunches, graduations etc, parents have asked her to frame some souvenir pics ETC but then i checked out this right here, i still can't get over how lovely it is.  Laure has a special eye, she captures fuzz, warmth, she puts whole atmospheres on shiny paper.  I am impressed.

mercredi 15 septembre 2010

typo pasta

another good job by UQAM, ecole de design au canada.( cfr )
i'd like to find something like this in italiansupermarkets au lieu de barilla, qui, meme etant assez bien dans le bouche, sont pas mal moche aux yeux.
projects developped dans le cours de judith poirier

lundi 6 septembre 2010

the do

Folks you are witnessing a capilar miracle. It happened 2 days ago, when I went to brush my teeth I looked up in the mirror and saw this!

what she eats is what she is

I find looking at what Ai eats everyday very relaxing. She has been taking photos of everyone of her meals for quite a while now. I love all the japanese food, but most of all I love the occidental food-japanese style, like crazy french pastry and odd arrangements for italian classics. Check it out

clap cap

Bansky strikes again, he turns this kiddie ride into an anti-BP statement, clever, effective...

jeudi 2 septembre 2010

we back

on track

summer part1

The first part of my summer was filled with food and friends, what else does one need in July?