samedi 30 janvier 2010

jeudi 28 janvier 2010

t' en es ou alors?

i adore him. even as a rapper. eventhough it s not true.

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

le 51 à la cinématèque

La cinématèque de Paris is a magical place; a wondefully pure building designed by Frank Gerry. It's nickname is 'la danceuse' because it looks like the movement of a dancer's dress frozen at a specific moment. It was built in the very large garden of Bercy and is thus surrounded by an ideal natural setting.
On top of all of this, mut architecture and lepotager design got together and gave it it's new café/restaurant, le 51. Needless to say I'm moving there as soon as spring hits the city.

Opera Garnier

I went to l'Opera Garnier this season. I went to see a contemporary ballet, Amoveo; and I thought: " I would like to go to the Opera as casually as I go to the movies... oh! i could make it my resolution for 2010!"
Resolutions are supposed to make one a better person, and I think live performances in beautiful places can contribute to one's balance and attitude.

Pieter Hugo

So I said I have a photography itch. The next step is setting up my codes, feeling affiliated to photographers.... Pieter Hugo is in my top 10. The 9 others will show up in other posts.
His photos make me happy and nauseated at the same time, which actually feels great!

dimanche 17 janvier 2010

SaintPaul shirts by Jungho Geortay

he comes from belgium. he s a designer. and this, you see, is a what he looks like caught by a camera (thesartorialist) . i discovered him at the fashion fare at Pitti Florence last week, i saw his new collection a/w 2010 . it was fresh and really well thought. he designs and prints all of his patterns. while waitin for pictures from newcollection look at those shirts.

mercredi 13 janvier 2010

fond memory

it was in august. We were in an absurd situation; Cosimo was back in Paris in my apartment while I was hanging out with his friends in Prato. One night he went out to Oberkampf with Fab and the next morning the sun rose on his first graffiti. Check out his initials (SJR) and mine (NDFK) set in stone for eternity!

mardi 12 janvier 2010


i should write down all the projects i start and never finish. I could open a museum of unfinished this and thats. This photo would be in it.

dimanche 10 janvier 2010



samedi 9 janvier 2010

all this in a soap bar

lifebuoy will help you make new friends, keep them, be popular and happy.

vendredi 8 janvier 2010

an itch

I have an urge to do some photography. Those who have heard me vomiting on photography for a decade will laugh. Let them laugh. My mother always says,only idiots never change their minds.
I want a big white studio, a large amount of fabric, a few models, a good makeup palette... and oh yeah a few cameras.


Chris Chapman makes meat elegant and desirable


I want to see these on your feet

and those on mine.

mardi 5 janvier 2010

Licence to chill

women in England were asked what male celebrity they would like to see at the end of a stick. Verdict, Daniel Craig coming out of the water in 007. I'll pass.

dimanche 3 janvier 2010

a first of many firsts

the first time cosimo appeared in one of my notebook. January 2009, one year ago.

samedi 2 janvier 2010

T-shirt factory 2

made for Sim December 2008

T-shirt factory

made for Coz November 2009

my love for you

more A TX

Austin, TX

I just got back from a sunny christmas break in Austin, Texas.

motivational cookies

spanish designers Neos Brand made these after working on how positive feelings and good mood increase motivation at work and in life in general.